Choose the perfect coach for you!

Dana da Ponte

Certified MAP Practitioner 
Active Inner Circle Member

  • Empaths, Intuitive and Highly Sensitive People
  • Clearing Subconscious Blocks
  • Healing the Mother Wound
  • Angel Guidance and Support 
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Why Choose Dana?

I specialize in clearing subconscious blocks that lead to overwhelm, anxiety, lack of motivation, feeling stuck and self-sabotage. As the world struggles, empaths, activists, healers and creative entrepreneurs are becoming increasingly important yet emotional and spiritual overwhelm is a common obstacle we face.  We need emotional and spiritual support to thrive in our businesses, parenting and relationships. I can help you manage your sensitive gifts so you can be the parent and business owner you want to be while living with more magic and intention and enjoying deeper more intimate relationships.

You have goals and dreams and it's important you follow your heart and Spirit. Let's get rid of whatever is in the way so you can live with courage, clarity and purpose and inspire the changes we so desperately need on this planet.


About Dana:

Dana is a gifted empath and intuitive who has a unique ability to connect with the angels and Spirit to dive deep in the subconscious mind. She’s been receiving messages from the angels and Spirit to help other people heal from the past for over twenty years. The angels don’t work with Dana to tell you the future. The angels work with her to help you create the future you want! Add to this MAP’s effective strategies for teaching the subconscious to heal itself and what results is a powerful combination that works to locate and neutralize memories and beliefs that are blocking you or keeping you stuck. Dana’s intuition and her MAP training will help you clear up and clear out whatever is standing in the way of success and happiness.

Dana is also an artist and an author and leads a yearly Moon Sisters Art and Ceremony Circle for women who want to harness the power of magic, the moon, Spirit and sisterhood to bring about the changes they are ready to see in their lives. Whether we sit in front of a blank canvas or contemplate our relationships, careers and dreams, we are creators!! We all just need a little help sometimes creating more of what we want and less of what we are tired of.

Dana particularly likes to work with:

  • Healers, artists and creators who want to clear blocks to their success;
  • Women who experienced difficult relationships with their mothers;
  • Empaths and deep feelers who want to move past emotional overwhelm and learn to use their sensitivite natures to thrive in their life and relationships.

Find out more on how I can help you.


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Certified MAP Practitioner

20+ years experience as a Professional Intuitive

Developed and Created Emotional Nutrition Approach

Red Tent Facilitator Training

B.Ed from University of Alberta

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Intuitive Therapy Single Session

A 90 minute one-on-one session with Dana designed to focus on one specific issue or problem and bring about results. These sessions are offered in Dana’s studio near Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada or online in Dana’s private online meeting room.

Intuitive Therapy Program

Dana’s Intuitive Therapy Program is a 3 month program where we dive deep and tackle as many subconscious, emotional and spiritual blocks as we can so you can make BIG strides in the areas of your life you need it most. Dana offers these sessions in person, over the phone or online in her private ZOOM meeting room (your choice). Dana will get right to the heart of the matter, with inspired insight and practical steps forward, bringing peace to your problems. 

10 Month Women’s Circle

The Moon Sisters Art and Ceremony Circle is a ten month program intuitively created by Dana for women who want to bring about powerful changes in their lives by playing with art, ritual and Spirit. You will learn about magic, the moon and connecting to Spirit while move through the emotional and spiritual issues that are currently blocking you from stepping into your power and creating the life you really want.

Written Reviews Of Dana's Work

"I’ve been doing Map sessions with Dana for the past 4 months and the healing I’ve experienced is deeply profound.  For years, I’ve struggled with the after effects of multiple traumas.  Some of the layers I was able to work through with traditional therapy but some parts just always felt stuck.  It was so discouraging to have what felt like programmed responses, triggers and sometimes paralyzing fears lodged in my body and reactions, taking over my experience of life.  I also felt a disconnect with myself, like there was a part of me that wasn’t within my reach.  My body didn’t always feel safe or like it was my home.  I was more than ready for this healing and dove in with open mind and open heart. Dana’s warmth, compassion and intuition along with this incredible work has cleared so much of it… and gently… safely… without re-traumatizing.  I have witnessed the layers working their way through my memory, but with different responses from me.  My intuition has deepened and I’m embracing how it speaks to me and seeing my gifts.  I feel like I’m stepping into myself ~ my power ~ and my connection with spirit and energy has expanded .  A tight grip that has lived in my body for years has dissolved.  I feel different.  * Embodied *  Like I’m moving into a new chapter of my life.  I am beyond grateful for the shifts that have happened and I would highly recommend this work."

Jessica Palik Bray

"Dana’s MAP process is different than anything I’ve ever done. It feels like I receive a couple years of therapy in one session. I don’t know how it happens but my subconscious mind knows what we need to work on and my conscious mind can just sit back and relax. Dana creates a space where I feel safe and not judged, so much so that I can be more brutally honest with her than I have ever been in my life. When I first started receiving sessions, I felt like I carried all these walls around me. They were affecting my marriage and my work. Now I feel like my walls are coming down."

Jill R.

"I’ve been working with Dana weekly for over 3 months now and as a professional coach and healer myself I've done various types of sessions with dozens of people over the last two and a half decades. And I'm pretty sure Dana's my favorite facilitator. She has a rare ability to hold space and be present, which feels palpable even through the computer screen. I feel understood, cared about, and solidly held, in a way I'd never found before. I feel like I have the time and space to heal. She really gets me and she really feels for me (she’s cried on sessions with me before because she was so happy about and celebrating my breakthroughs). I LOVE working with her and look forward to my weekly sessions with her as one of my favorite activities of my week. What prompted me to write a testimonial today was a massive breakthrough I experienced in my writing. My whole life, I've deeply struggled with writing. I hated having to write with a passion. Even though, when I get in the right frame of mind, I’m actually a good writer and I can enjoy it. I spent most of my life avoiding writing, but I now have a business in which it's necessary. And my issues with writing have been my biggest block to growing it and being financially stable, because of how paralyzed I get when sitting down to write, and how long it takes me once I make myself do it. So I did a MAP session with Dana on my issues with writing last week. I was convinced that because it's such a BIG issue for me, it would be a project, and we'd have to work on it every week for months for it to be resolved.  Boy was I happy to be wrong! After that one focused session, my issues just disappeared. I’ve gone from feeling that writing is excruciating to feeling wonderfully connected when writing and enjoying writing to my people. All of this in just one MAP session with Dana!!  If you're looking for a MAP practitioner, or are just interested in getting support in working through an issue or block you have, I highly encourage you to book a session with Dana. She's an absolute gem and I feel incredibly grateful to have her in my life. And I can't wait to see where I'll be in a few more months, after continuing weekly sessions with her. Knowing that I have the ability, with Dana's support, to free myself from every issue, block and trauma that's limited me for 50 years is the most amazing feeling in the world. ♥"

Eliane Sainte-Marie

50% Complete

Two Step

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