$1,249.00 USD

Take advantage of this special opportunity to receive a relationship-focused 1-1 MAP Session with Dyan for just $145.

You can use this at any time within the next 6 months to deepen your transformation!

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MAP Your Way To Happy, Healthy and Whole In Love

This program is for anyone who has struggled with relationships, compatibility and feeling safe and connected - whether you are single, divorced, married or partnered!

Finally understand what has been disrupting your relationships! Fully heal attachment wounding, codependence, abandonment and narcissistic abuse. Feel happy, healthy and whole, and ready to love!

 What you'll get:

* One live coaching call (45 mins) with Dyan

* 20 MAP sessions to heal relational trauma and transform your self-sabotaging patterns and beliefs at the root

* Weekly video lessons with detailed notes in powerpoint slides

* Access to audio recordings of live group coaching sessions

* A variety of magnetizations for those looking for love as well as those looking to upgrade your relationships

* Tools and practices to open your heart and prepare yourself for love!

* Custom worksheets to guide your self inquiry, MAP sessions and trajectory of your life!

* Private Facebook Community where you can share learnings and ask questions.

The following content:

WEEK 1: Identify patterns in all your relationships, deepen self-acceptance.

WEEK 2: Understand and clear the influence of parents/family on how we view ourselves and relationships

WEEK 3: Get clear on your attachment style and begin the process of shifting to secure

WEEK 4:  How safe do you feel in the world with others? How does this impact your capacity for intimacy?

WEEK 5: What is your relationship to yourself and how is that holding you back?

WEEK 6: What is your identity in relationships? How is that affecting who you attract?

WEEK 7:  Explore codependency, let it go, and take charge of your happiness!

WEEK 8: What is your capacity for healthy conflict that fosters deeper connection?

WEEK 9: Overcome the fear of rejection and habit of taking things personally.

WEEK 10: Rewire attraction that was rooted in trying to resolve old wounds, so you can attract something new.

WEEK 11: Rewrite your past in every way needed so that these imprints no longer impact you now.

WEEK 12: Rewrite your future powerfully right now!

Your success in this program will be directly correlated to your commitment to your own transformation! Be persistent and consistent, and your results will be unlimited!

Looking for more testimonials? Click HERE to find more amazing stories!

If you need a payment plan, you can pay over three months here.

If you have a question, please reach out to [email protected] 

In addition to being a certified MAP Practitioner, Dyan has been a certified Relationship Coach for more than 7 years. 

What People Are Saying:

When I started Returning to Love (RTL), I had awareness of some of the patterns in my marriage in that I knew what would trigger me and I had some strategies to manage my triggers without making things worse. I knew asking my husband to change wasn't the answer, but I was totally stuck on what to do and thought I would just have to live with the way things were forever. In RTL I learned why I was getting triggered, where that came from, and what parts of my personality were creating the dynamic. And we MAPed it! Each time I felt another layer peeling back and Dyan very gently and kindly helping me to see and understand myself. I felt totally supported and safe to explore this work with Dyan and the group members. What felt like a big tangled mess has become so much clearer. I have honestly met my intention in the program. I can just observe situations with a calm loving neutrality versus reacting like I did in the past. Does this happen always, not yet, but it is happening regularly and I had not thought that was possible at all. RTL taught me the skills to set boundaries, to deal with conflict and to assert myself. It is not always easy, but usually it is easier than I expected. I feel like I have cleared a lot of childhood trauma and have been taught how to have a healthy adult relationship, something I wish I had learned long ago. I look forward to continuing my journey to a happier, healthier, more connected and loving person thanks to RTL. This program changed my life!


I really enjoyed the course. I felt I was really able to learn a lot about myself, my patterns and where my patterns came from. I especially enjoyed learning about my attachment styles and my partner's, and how that had been affecting out relationship. It brought up so much awareness for me. Last year, we actually talked about separating. From the course, I was really able to work through my own patterns, in particular my unworthiness and own my fears and stories, so that I don’t project as much onto my partner anymore. I'm really taking responsibility and able to communicate my needs more lovingly. Because of that, my relationship is more open, we communicate more easily and I feel more empowered! If anything does come up, I have more tools because I really understand myself! Through the MAP sessions, I was really able to clear the unworthiness I had felt in my relationship! Also staying small - was able to lear my triggers! I feel now that my needs are just as important! I’m showing up more authentically in my relationship. Really happy that I did the course!!


I had a goal that I was not sure if I could get to. I tried so many things to get over my last relationship. But this course did it for me. I had a really rough break up 5 years ago and I haven’t been feeling safe or comfortable or open to dating. I wanted to date without dread or a million walls. Coming out of the other side of 12 weeks in an amazing group process, I have achieved my goal - to feel excited, safe and comfortable and ready to be open to another person and ready to embark upon relationship! I could cry because I got back an important part of me. I feel really moved that I’m excited to date again and I’m getting this part of my life back!


When I got the email about Returning to Love, I thought, 12 weeks sounds like a lot, but I have to see what this is. And… it’s been life changing. I can’t even explain how transformative it’s been. It’s been absolutely incredible. What’s been most noticeable is the trickle down effect. I've noticed a major sift in myself, but also my husband and my children. I see the person now. I don’t see the faults anymore. I have compassion now; I can see the triggers and honor and understand them. I came into this wanting clarity - whether I wanted to stay in this marriage. I thought I had repaired a lot of old triggers, but I came to understand that I was carrying around this hurt and I didn’t know what I wanted. Now I’m feeling more secure that I can figure it out and I have this tool [MAP.] I have this incredible certainty that I can accomplish this and I’ve never had that before. Before I found MAP and this program, I felt very alone, abandoned and really unsafe in the world. I didn’t experience a true sense of belonging. Now I have found this pace where I can feel safe with myself. I don’t need people or circumstances to feel safe, because I can do that for myself. MAP and this program have taught me that I am my safety zone. I can feel safe and nurtured by me. Knowing that means I am going to be perfectly fine. I’m never alone. I’ve got myself.
