Emergence from
extreme states,

a returning to self

Denise Schneps

Trauma Therapist, Certified MAP Coach 
Location: Paris, France


  • Enabling emotional stability and functional well being

  • Transforming dysfunctional behaviors and negative beliefs

  • Overcoming fear of rejection, abandonment, paranoia

  • Healing from feelings of guilt, shame, unworthiness

  • Resolving emotional dysregulation: anger, rage, disempowerment, depression

  • Freedom from self judgement, self-destructive behaviors, social phobia

  • Transforming childhood and sexual trauma into self-love and acceptance

  • Neutralizing negative self -talk, dissociation, disturbing voices, and visions

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How MAP Coaching Changes Lives

Extreme mental states can be generally defined as significant disturbances in a person’s mental functioning. These patterns in thinking, feeling or behaving can cause extreme distress and disrupt a person's ability to function. The research of Dr. Bessel van der Kolk among others, shows that extreme mental states are a direct result of trauma, particularly in childhood. While medications certainly can help, they don’t address the underlying causes of severe mental health challenges in the long term.

Those who suffer from extreme states often find themselves feeling very frightened and confused because previous ways of adapting their behaviors and beliefs to manage living with their traumas, seem to break down. This is very destabilizing, as they no longer recognize themselves, nor do their close friends and family. They are often filled with panic, negative thoughts, and self-hatred which are so overwhelming that these can even transform into adversarial voices, visions and potentially suicidal thoughts.

As a therapist and MAP Coach, I provide a safe, nonjudgmental space which is essential to accepting how we feel, and who we are,  to “Make Anything Possible (MAP). The Map Method is a completely new approach to quickly and gently treat deep trauma and painful memories. It is non-intrusive as it’s the client’s own subconscious which controls how much trauma is safe to treat…Gently, slowly and respectfully, the MAP Method soothes and heals the most difficult trauma memories and beliefs which are at the source of extreme states of mental health.  Daily MAP sessions, whether live or recorded, personalized subliminal MAP recordings, and supportive friends and family are essential to recovery.

About Denise

I managed to overcome the challenges of being raised in an emotionally and mentally dysfunctional family and later in life, I survived violent sexual trauma. I eventually transformed these experiences into a strong determination to help others who suffer from extreme trauma, which launched me on a decades long journey in search of my true self and my life’s purpose.

I became a certified coach in 2004 and a therapist in 2015, but when my own daughter began to fall into worse and worse extreme states of mental illness, I found myself desperately searching for any therapies or modalities which might help her. However, the trauma at the root of my daughter’s illness continued to elude us both until I discovered the MAP Method and the key to truly healing deep trauma.  Thanks to daily Map work with my daughter, including the support of a team of MAP therapists and practitioners, today she is learning, growing and building a new fulfilling life. Map can do this for you too!

Connect with me 

Learn more about how I can help you!

Website: mapcoachinginstitute.com/emergence
Program: Emergence From Extreme Mental States
Email: [email protected]
Phone / Whatsapp #: +33 (0) 685218903

Other Credentials

Personal and Executive Coach

Biodynamic Psychology

Organizational and Relationship Systems Coaching

Compassionate Inquiry

Open Dialogue

CRM: Comprehensive Resource Model

Emotional CPR

Denise is helping people and their families to shift from extreme mental states towards wellbeing in every day life



⭐ 5 Star Rating!

Denise and MAP have helped me to improve my awareness of my triggers, and to make negative memories less intense and therefore less painful. This greater understanding of the causes of negative emotions is helping me to distance myself from them – and thus to better navigate both my personal and professional life.

Book A Discovery Session

Services & Coaching Packages


After a careful needs evaluation,  an individually tailored approach is discussed and agreed, which includes a personalized combination of  weekly 1:1 MAP coachingunlimited access to recorded Map  sessions,  a series of specifically designed subliminals, exercises, meditations, and coaching on using “Map on the Go”, to provide daily support in the healing process. The MAP method provides a unique advantage due to the diversity of solutions offering daily access and support based on the needs of each individual—which is a key  success factor of the Emergence program.


This discovery call is a free no-pressure chat (on-line via zoom or phone) to get to know each other and figure out the Emergence program can best meet your needs. 

Email: [email protected]
Phone / Whatsapp #: +33 (0) 685218903