If you have struggled with insecure attachment, 

this program is for you.


Rewire your brain and free yourself from the hidden blocks and self-sabotaging patterns that have been in the way of your relationships.  


The next live program starts March 15th, 2023 
Wednesdays, 4-6pm PST / 7-9pm EST

Get Started Today!

Returning To Love Program

If you have struggled with insecure attachment, 

this program is for you.


Rewire your brain and free yourself from the hidden blocks and self-sabotaging patterns that have been preventing or destroying your relationships.


Class Starts on March 15th, 2023 - June 6, 2023

Continue on Thursdays, 4-6pm PST / 7-9pm EST 


Get Started Today!


Do you have an insecure attachment style?


How has that affected your relationships? 
Learn about what's happening in your relationships and how to heal insecure attachment in the free workshop with Dyan below!

Download Dyan's slides here.

Are you longing for love that feels easy, happy and healthy? Close, connected and safe?

Have you read every relationship  book out there? Paid thousands of dollars for therapy and coaching? And yet you're still attracting unavailable people or narcissists, too little connection or compatibility, and feeling alone and unfulfilled?

Maybe you've tried to recover from Narcissistic Abuse, or have spent months or years working on codependent tendencies or insecure attachment... And yet you  still can't fully overcome these experiences and patterns? 

If you're feeling this way, I promise you it's not you.

You are perfect, whole and lovable.

What causes difficulty in our relationships are all the beliefs and protective behaviors we took on in childhood and in previous relationships. They cause is to choose the same types of partners and to recreate the same relationship dynamics over and over.

You may already understand some of your blocks and patterns; you may have done extensive coaching or therapy to shift these. But in order to fully shift our patterns - from  choosing new prospective parters and to changing our own behaviors - we need to rewire the neural structures and memories in the brain that form the basis for all of our choices, responses and behaviors.

The MAP Method is a cutting-edge technique that has been validated by neuroscience to rewire the brain quickly, gently and effortlessly. Unlike other methods, MAP neutralizes the original memory at the root of our patterns and beliefs, which enables the total shift. You, as the client, simply have to identify the problem beliefs and blocks, and then relax and listen passively while the brain and mind do all the work to heal itself.

Most people are surprised by the shift they sometimes experience in a session, let alone over two months. And because the brain is actually rewiring, the relief is long-term. This isn't just another temporary coping mechanism.

Check out what a few of our clients had to say about their experiences with the MAP Method and the Returning to Love Program.

What People had to say about the Returning To Love Program with Dyan!

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Join this Live, 12-Week  Program and Change the Trajectory of Your Life! 


Get clarity on the main patterns in your relationships and the underlying beliefs that perpetuate them

MAP these beliefs, one by one, and neutralize your old, self-sabotaging patterns

Magnetize new beliefs, choices and behaviors based on the components of a healthy, sustainable relationship

Raise your vibration to the frequency of love

Begin the process of returning to your fullest capacity for healthy love and intimacy  



Live 2-hour Zoom Sessions start Wednesday, March 15th at 4pm PST / 7pm EST:

WEEK 1: Identify patterns in all your relationships, deepen self-acceptance.

WEEK 2: Understand and clear the influence of parents/family on how we view ourselves and relationships

WEEK 3: Get clear on your attachment style and begin the process of shifting to secure

WEEK 4:  How safe do you feel in the world with others? How does this impact your capacity for intimacy?

WEEK 5: What is your relationship to yourself and how does it impact your relationship to others?

WEEK 6: Am I enough? What is your identity in relationships?

WEEK 7:  Explore codependency versus taking charge of my own happiness

WEEK 8: Shift your fears of conflict to healthy, productive disagreement

WEEK 9: Reframe rejection and learn how to not take things personally

WEEK 10: Rewire your "picker" (aka attraction) for healthy love 

WEEK 11: Rewriting your past

WEEK 12: Rewriting your future

Get Started Today!


Relationships Don't Have To Be This Hard!

So Why Keep Struggling?


There was a time in my life, too, when I struggled with relationships - all of them. It was deeply painful and I often felt disconnected, alone and that there must be something wrong with me.

I decided to become a relationship coach after a truly devastating break up in 2011. I wanted to understand why this had happened to me and how to fix myself!

It took me time to identify the underlying reasons all of my relationships had painfully fallen apart. But because of my persistence and commitment to fully understanding myself, I have been able to identify overcome my deepest blocks.

I no longer feel alone or disconnected. I know my patterns. And since becoming a Certified MAP Practitioner, I have mapped my way to happy, healthy and whole.

We must vibrate at happy, healthy and whole before we can create a fulfilling and sustainable relationship.

This is what I offer to you.

Meet Your Instructor

Dyan has always been passionate about connection and intimacy. After 20 years of meditation and mindfulness practice, she became an Intuitive Transformational Coach with Relationship Coaching certifications from Katherine Woodward Thomas in Conscious Uncoupling and Calling In The One.

In 2020, she discovered the MAP Healing Process and knew immediately this was the missing ingredient to her programs! She jumped immediately into the MAP certification program, and has since witnessed miraculous transformations in her clients as well as herself.

She is now a certified MAP Practitioner to her own clients, and a Breakthrough Expert and Intuition Coach for the MAP Coaching Institute.

Take Charge Of Your Future Now! 

Claim This  Opportunity to Receive Extraordinary  Relationship Coaching  Supercharged by MAP!


 You will receive:

  • 12 Live Sessions with Dyan, Certified Relationship Coach and MAP Practitioner
  • 11 live and 12+ pre-recorded Relationship-Focused MAP sessions
  • 5 or more live and pre-recorded Magnetizations
  • Live weekly sessions with Spot Coaching
  • Access to session recordings
  • 6 or More Customized Worksheets
  • 3 Quizzes to Expand Your Self-Awareness  
  • Extra support in a private supported Facebook Community 
    • Chakra Clearing MAP Session
    • Heart Opening Meditation and Practices


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