Patti's Session On Success And Money Blocks

financial freedom map session example

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? Maybe a doctor, a lawyer, or an author.

When we are young, everything around us shapes usour environment, friends, and family. All these determine our personality as adults. 

What happens when your parents don't support your dreams? Do you settle for less because you were told your dream job is not something you can do when you grow up? Maybe you were told that a dream won't pay bills and rent. Do we stop dreaming because our parents wanted to protect us from a painful fall? They teach us the same thing that they learned when they were kids.

Patti is an amazing lady who loves her job as a trader. Unfortunately, she was struggling more than she was enjoying it. She wanted to be successful but couldn't break the pattern of her money blocks. 

So what happens when you realize that your mind was playing the same story your parents told you for most of your life?
In the video, Patti looks back on her childhood to find out what caused her struggle. 

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