The MAP Blog

Discover success stories and learn some tips and tricks on how to use MAP in your life!

When Relationships Feel Confusing and Hard boundaries map method neuroscience unconscious mind

Bessie Anderson Stanley, an esteemed American writer, penned a poignant poem in 1904 that aimed to unravel the essence of success, tackling the question posed in a contest: “What is success?”

The opening lines of her poem read...

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Dear Fellow Adults, You Can Still Fulfill Your Tender Unmet Childhood Needs

Time does not heal all wounds; it just gives them space to sink into the subconscious, where they will continue to impact your emotions and behavior. What heals is going inward, loving yourself, accepting yourself, listening to your needs,...

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Addressing the Psychological Blocks to Your Weight Loss

In early 2022, Jelena Katić Ujević, Head Coach at the MAP Coaching Institute (MAP CI), was at her heaviest at 100 kilos. Everything seemed perfect on the outside: she was enjoying her work at the MAP CI and had just gotten married to the most...

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Unlocking Success: The 5 Essential Steps for Getting Coaching Clients on Meetup business development coaching certification map coaching institute marketing strategy meetup marketing

Dyan Ferguson started her coaching practice in 2014. Like many other coaches, she was full of excitement but did not have any marketing skills. She quickly realized she needed to learn how to market and sell her coaching services.

There are many...

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Interview with Jelena and how she overcame chronic pain using MAP

In 2015, life was looking bright for Jelena Katić Ujević. She had just been proposed to and was enjoying her prime years as a woman in her mid-twenties. But then, she experienced a terrible car accident that left her suffering from cervical...

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The Make Anything Possible™ Coaching Process Celebrates a Decade of Excellence

With more than 7000 individuals positively impacted and 200+ certified MAP practitioners worldwide, the Make Anything Possible™ (MAP) coaching process has marked a remarkable decade, leaving its positive imprint on lives across fifteen...

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You Can Rewire Your Prenatal and Childhood Memories To Fulfill Your Core Needs

Have you heard about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)? ACEs are potentially traumatic events in childhood (0–17 years), such as abuse, neglect, and household dysfunctions. In the mid-1990s, the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser...

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A Glimpse Into the Magical Healing Experiences of a MAP Certification Program Student

Today we're sharing Bingz Huang's story, she's a MAP Certification program student and we going to talk about what healing and integrating conflicting Parts in you can look like.


Hi, I’m Bingz from Singapore, Founder and...

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Unlocking Success: How This Marketing Coach Empowers Clients with the MAP Method™ to Release Mindset Blocks

As an experienced Sales and Marketing Coach, Stirling Gardner helps Coaches market and grow their businesses. Throughout his seven years of coaching Coaches, he saw that many clients struggle to implement his marketing strategies due to their...

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Conquering Fear: How the MAP Method™ Empowers Her Journey to Space conquering fear map coaching institute map practitioner richard branson

The MAP Coaching Institute is thrilled that one of our Certified MAP Practitioners, Keisha Schahaff, will be going to space soon with her daughter in the upcoming few months. She was pleasantly surprised by a visit from Sir Richard Branson in Nov...

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