The MAP Blog

Discover success stories and learn some tips and tricks on how to use MAP in your life!

Our Story: How Colette and Dr. Flint collaborated to make MAP a reality. colette streicher dr. garry a. flint peak performance personal development positive psychology process healing method



At the tender age of nine, Colette experienced a sudden traumatic family event that became a critical turning point in her life. This is the day she decided to do everything in her power to be happy, create a...

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MAP Session - Patti's Money and Success Blocks

Remember when you were a kid and you had some idea what would you like to be when you grow up? Maybe you wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer or you wanted to write a book. When we are kids everything around us shape us. We are learning from our...

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MAP Session - Ursula's desire to have more balanced business and personal life map demo session

A balance is key to every successful day. We know that life is happening and that sometimes is hard to find a balance between a business and a personal life. You want to work on what you love and grow your business. But on the other side, you want...

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MAP Session - Caroline's trauma from childhood map demo session

Everything that we experienced when we were kids, left some mark on our adult life and who we have become today. Our Consciousness is storing every single event imagined or experienced and tipping the scales for us to believe one thing...

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