The MAP Coaching Institute Celebrates a Decade of Excellence

MAP Celebrates 10 Years In Business

With more than 7000 individuals positively impacted and 200+ certified MAP practitioners worldwide, the Make Anything Possible™ (MAP) coaching process has marked a remarkable decade, leaving its positive imprint on lives across fifteen countries.


In 2013, Colette Streicher, a success coach and therapist, founded the MAP method, inspired by her quest for innovative solutions to address her client’s bipolar disorder.

She discovered Dr. Garry Flint's groundbreaking Process Healing during her extensive research into the latest psychiatric methodologies. Dr. Flint, a psychologist in Canada, dedicated his entire career to assisting clients with complex psychiatric issues such as psychosis, multiple personality disorders, and survivors of deep trauma.

Upon encountering Dr. Flint’s methodology, Colette had an epiphany: "If he could empower his patients to harness their minds for deep-rooted psychiatric healing, I could easily help my clients overcome mental and emotional obstacles to success." It was as if she had discovered a powerful tool to tackle a seemingly insurmountable challenge, describing the feeling as finding a cannon to kill a fly!

By ingeniously blending elements from Process Healing with other aspects of energy psychology, MAP was conceived as the ideal modality to empower individuals to make anything possible.

Founded in Houston, Texas, USA, with her son Valentin Streicher, the MAP Coaching Institute has expanded to include a dedicated team of 25 individuals and over 200 practitioners worldwide. Our global impact spans the USA, Canada, Croatia, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, with over 7000 lives positively influenced.

Join us in commemorating this milestone by exploring our journey!


Spreading the Magic of MAP Worldwide

In 2016, Colette’s passion for spreading MAP led her to Christopher M Duncan, a business mogul who incurred heavy debt after the tragic death of his best friend and business partner. Through Colette’s MAP sessions, Chris rebounded to earning six figures a month three months later, eventually becoming Colette’s first marketing coach. Together, they pioneered the Magnetizing Millions MAP program, which later evolved into Colette’s popular ongoing MAP program called Clearing the 11 Money Saboteurs Premier.

Colette‘s Amazon Bestseller, Abundance On Demand: Five Easy Steps to Master The Inner Game of Money, further propelled MAP into the spotlight. Witnessing MAP's transformative power, people eagerly expressed their desire to learn and use MAP for themselves, their loved ones, and their clients.


Offering MAP Training

In response, Valentin developed a structured MAP protocol that can be taught systematically to other coaches, therapists, and anyone interested in pursuing personal growth.

Colette and Valentin started by teaching local coaches and therapists the MAP protocol in their living room in 2016. Using the newly introduced Zoom platform, the first global intake of the MAP Certification Program version 1.0 was launched in 2017, certifying MAP practitioners from Australia, Europe, and Singapore.

Soon after, some of these early MAP practitioners were invited and trained by Valentin to become MAP trainers. Our current team of MAP trainers includes:

  • Jelena Katić Ujević from Croatia (head coach)
  • Shanthi Nadesalingam from Houston, USA
  • Sofie Hon from Singapore
  • Annie Schaeffer from France

With more student feedback, Valentin and the team of MAP trainers continued to refine the MAP Certification Program to its current 3.0 version.


Evolution of MAP Programs

The MAP Coaching Program emerged in 2018 as a way to share MAP with the general public, guiding them through this three-step strategy:

  1. MAGNIFY Your Dreams — Clarify Your Goals
  2. MAP it! Clear your Subconscious blocks
  3. MAGNETIZE — Create Your New Self

MAP coaches lead group sessions on Zoom throughout the week at various times, which are recorded and available to Coaching Program members. Each member is paired with a dedicated breakthrough coach to help them clarify their life goals.

This revolutionary approach empowered many to shift from victim mindsets to intentional living, especially during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.


To highlight how MAP truly makes anything possible, a few pioneer MAP coaches created specialized MAP programs designed to address life’s common struggles in autoimmune and chronic conditions, childhood neglect and trauma, and relationship challenges.

Autoimmune and Chronic Conditions
Jelena Katić Ujević (from Croatia) joined the Institute in 2015 after a miraculous recovery from her chronic condition through experiencing Colette’s MAP sessions. Inspired by her and her MAP clients’ successes in physical health, she created her signature MAP program,
When the Body Says YES, to help anyone easily, quickly, and gently neutralize past trauma that leads to autoimmune and chronic conditions.

Childhood Neglect and Trauma
Margaret Allan (from Australia) met Colette and experienced MAP for the first time in 2016. She created the MAP program
Beautiful Beginnings to release anything from childhood that is still blocking anyone from living a full, happy, and healthy life as an adult. She credits MAP and the core elements of this program for helping her feel positive, worthy, healthier, more energized, and experiencing more love and support than ever.

Relationship Struggles
Dyan Ferguson (from California, USA)
is a relationship coach. In 2019, she discovered the magic of MAP, which drastically reduced her anxiety and paralyzing self-doubt—both symptoms of attachment wounding and codependency—in a fraction of the time she previously spent meditating and in therapy. She created a 12-week relationship program, Returning To Love, the first of its kind to rewire attachment wounding and shift relationship challenges at the root.


Thriving More with MAP in 2023 and Beyond!

As the global MAP community continues flourishing, Colette remains a passionate advocate, conducting webinars and retreats globally. This year, she has facilitated VIP retreats in Mexico and Sedona, USA, and VIP retreats with additional business breakthrough sessions in Los Angeles, Bali, and France, positively empowering MAP practitioners worldwide.

The Institute has also been actively branding and marketing MAP on prominent social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Threads, LinkedIn, and YouTube. As more MAP business and marketing programs have been developed to assist our practitioners in discovering and expanding their coaching niches, we’ve witnessed the positive impact of these initiatives. It’s captivating and fulfilling to listen to incredible success stories about how MAP has empowered individuals to overcome various challenges and achieve their life goals.

We extend our gratitude to all our team members, practitioners, practitioner students, and coaching members for being open to trying out MAP and spreading its magic. Your firsthand experiences contribute significantly to the richness of our collective journey.

Thank you for being an integral part of this remarkable MAP adventure over the past decade!


This article is brought to you by the MAP Coaching Institute. If you are a therapist, coach, healer, or someone passionate about personal growth and want to explore adding MAP as part of your practice, we invite you to experience the MAP Experience Masterclass at this link.

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